Tuesday, February 11, 2025
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  1. Contact Person *required
    Please enter a name.
  2. Contact Number *required
    Please enter a contact phone number
  3. Email *required
    Please enter an email address
  4. Event Title *required
    Please give your event a title (ie: Deakin Sports Club Fundraiser Night)
  5. Event Details *required
    Enter the event details here
  6. Location / Address *required
    Where will the event be held? (ie XYZ Football Club, Deakin etc)
  7. Event Date *required
    Please enter the date of the event
  8. Event End Date
    If this is a multi-day event, choose the end date
  9. Event Type(s) *required
    We need to categorise your event. Please choose the category that best fits.
    You may choose more than one
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